Watch Evel Dick!

Monday, August 4, 2008

POV Ceremony: (spoiler)

Okay, the live feeds went to fishies (aka standby mode) about 20+ mins ago, which can only mean 1 thing..


Will Jerry use the POV to save Jessie or Memphis from the block? As of late last night, Jerry said that he will not be using it, so let's see if that's true or not.

UPDATE @ 12:09pm BBT:
Feeds still on fishies!!

The POV was...

NOT USED!!!!!!

April is on to the new alliance (minus Dan) and she wants to get the original 7 Alliance up in the HOH room and call'em out!! (Holy shit!)

Jerry & April are talking in the backyard, and Jerry said that April has "Me (Jerry), Dan, and Ollie."

Right now, Jessie & Memphis are talking about fitness:

Memphis wants to tone up his shoulders and Jessie gave him some pointers.

April is "inviting" Keesha & April (seperatly) to come up to the HOH room..could she be ready to call them out??? If you have the live feeds, turn'em on!! :-D

April tried to get in her room (with Libra by her side) but her door is locked and she couldn't figure out why...

BB came over the loudspeaker and told her that her room is being cleaned right now and April said "Oh, I didn't know you (BB) did that!"

Libra & April finally got into the HOH room but there was very little game talk and what little game convo they had, Libra didn't give anything away! :-D

Updated @ 3:43pm BBT:
I'll post an update in a little bit. As of right now, there's nothing much going on.

Stay tuned...