As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post what the HG's are saying the comp was all about and of course pics of what's going on in the house!
While we wait...
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Updated @ 12:47pm BBT:
Feeds still on standby mode (bubbles)...
Okay, here is what happened:
They all ate gross foods but got a ton of lollipops when the feeds came back.
Renny told Dan that she wants Jerry out this week, but also wants April gone.
Renny thinks about using one of her own alliance members to be a pawn this week, they all STRONGLY urged her to NOT be put up because "the pawn always goes home."
Ollie campaigned to Renny about not going on the block, though he doesn't really care if April is nominated.
April is currently campaigning to Renny up in the HOH room. (I'll make a new post.)
Stay tuned...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Waiting on the Food Comp:
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11:59 AM