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Friday, August 22, 2008

Nomination Ceremony was held!! (spoiler)

At 5:52pm BBT, the feeds went to trivia and the Nomination Ceremony has begun!!

So, to pass the time and wait for the feeds to come back, let's play another round of...


Think of your best caption for this pic & leave it in a comment!! :-D

Also feel free leave a comment of what you're thinking about Dan's HOH so far, who you think he will nominate for eviction, or anything else on your mind! ;-)

Updated @ 5:50pm BBT:

Nominated for Eviction are:

Memphis & Jerry

HOH Room:

Dan tells Memphis that the OTHER part of the deal with Ollie is that if he wins POV, he can choose the renom.

Memphis: "What were you SMOKIN' when you were up there, dude?"
Dan: "I'll get Renny..I promise you."
Memphis: "You counting on Renny for ALOT!"

Memphis goes on to say that Renny is a loose cannon and that he doesn't trust her for shit.

Memphis keeps saying he doesn't trust Renny for the Final 4 deal and that she will back out of it..

Memphis: "She's in it for herself, dude!"

Dan is trying to sell Memphis on the idea of being Final 4 with Keesha/Renny/Dan. Memphis said that even if he gets Renny (which he already has), that she will back out of it.

Memphis is saying that he can get Michelle's vote.

Stay tuned...