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Thursday, August 21, 2008

HOH Endurance Comp:

If you don't yet have them...


Watch the whole endurance comp for yourself!! :-D I have a feeling we're gonna be in for a LOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The feeds are currently on trivia, they will go live in about 5 mins. Are you ready? ;-)

I'll be reporting the whole endurance comp no matter HOW LONG it is!! 2 hours..14 hours...BRING IT ON! :-D

Everyone is still on and they're getting constantly banged into the wall. LOL They're all in GREAT spirits and happy and joking around. (Oh ya, it's gonna be a long feakin' night! LOL)

Michelle: "Ya gotta love the numb legs!!"
Keesha: "Yep!"

Renny is on the sideline, looking up at the "swingers". She says she'll probably be eating dinner alone tonight.

6:30pm BBT:

He dropped on purpose. His legs were TOTALLY numb, couldn't feel them and couldn't feel them until about a minute after he dropped.

6:40pm BBT:
Ollie & Michelle are whisper-talking every once in a while about how to keep their legs from not falling asleep like Jerry's.

Memphis threw some water ballons at Michelle and it hit her in the eyes. lol She got a little ticked off but seems to be okay now.

6:54pm BBT:

She got SLAMMED really hard against the wall and fell halfway off.

Keesha: "I leg slipped off of my disk."

As of 6:59pm BBT
*Memphis looks like he's in pain a little bit.
*Dan looks VERY comfy!!
*Michelle looks like she's in good shape.
*Ollie seems to be in good shape as well.

7:17pm BBT
The feeds have been on trivia since 7:14pm BBT...

7:20pm BBT:
Feeds are back!

Memphis/Dan/Michelle/Ollie are still hanging on strong!

BB is giving them rain off & on and taking 3-5 min breaks between slamming them against the wall. Everyone has been silent the past few minutes, no doubt that they are all in pain. Michelle got slammed into the wall pretty hard this last time (she got slammed face first.)

Dan: "How long have we been up here for?"
Jerry: "..almost 2 hours now."

BB is slamming them HARD into the foam wall!!!!! And I mean..HARD!

Everyone is silent and has been for a very long time now.


Left on the vines as of 7:57pm BBT:

The boys still haven't spoke a single word in nearly 30 mins.
Keesha/Renny/Michelle/Jerry all went inside. (I believe Michelle & Keesha were taking showers and getting changed.) Renny changed into comfy & warm clothes and is now with Jerry back outside watching the boys swing.

Michelle: (to Keesha) "Right before the live eviction, I got my period."

(Thanks for the info, Michelle. lol)

Ollie looks to be very uncomfortable. Dan is looking good at this point. Memphis is in a good mood and playing with Jerry (Jerry is throwing him water balloons upon Memphis' request and trying to catch them.)

8:38pm BBT:
All 3 boys are still hanging on!!

Michelle: "Good job, guyyyss!!"
Keesha: "You guys are doing really good!"

8:55pm BBT:
All 3 are still up there...

BB is really up'ing the torture. They just did a series of slammings into the wall, accompanied by constant cold "rain".

9:07pm BBT:


Ollie & Dan are talking, they both want to get down but neither of them feel 100% safe with dropping (and they shouldn't.)

Dan: "I'm doing this for Monica!"
Ollie: "You can see her next week." (talking about pictures in HOH)

Memphis is inside the house wrapped up in a big blanket trying to get warm. He's clearly in pain by the way he's walking and shivering.

9:29pm BBT:
Ollie is trying to talk Dan into dropping..
Dan: "Im not dropping, man! I'll be here for 12 hours if I have to."
Ollie: "Aight, let's do it man!"

9:30pm BBT:
Dan: "You want protection?"
Ollie: "For myself."
Dan: "Pick you and 1 other person you want safe this week.."
Ollie: [no response]

Stay tuned...