Okay ladies & gents, the chat room is OPEN!! Feel free to talk during the show! :-D I'll be popping in & out of the chat room during the show.
Right now, they're showing a recap from last nights episode.
**NOTE: I am SO happy that Jessie is no longer HOH. lol
Julie Chen: "Welcome to Big Brother 10!"
Keesha has to keep her word to her alliance and not keep Steven, so she's kinda stuck between a rock & a hard place.
Libra wants nearly half the house gone (Renny, Jerry, Dan, and Steven). She calls them the "floaters" of the house.
Dan's strategy is to shut up and let Steven keep campaigning for himself because it's ticking the HG's off and it works in Dan's favor to just lay low this week.
"I'm under this cloud of Brian that just won't go away!"-Steven
Libra, Keesha, April, and Ollie are thinking about Steven's offer of joining their alliance & that it would benefit them because he IS a strong guy.
Memphis & Angie are in an alliance together and they're talking about keeping Dan close to them.
Keesha and Libra & April are talking about how close Memphis & Angie have been. If the girls voted to keep Steven, they would be "casting the first stone" against the other alliance in the house.
Julie is asking the HG's (live) questions. (I missed the 1st question, sorry.)
"I sense there's love in the air..April!"-Julie Chen
Julie asked Ollie what he thinks his Dad thinks of his showmance..he says his dad is probably happy for him. lol
They're now showing Renny's family and talking about her...she's the life of the party. Now they're showing some of her wigs at home and funny clothing. lol
Renny's son called Jessie a "punk". Haha!!! :-D He also said that Jessie doesn't know how to give respect.
Now they're showing Jessie's family. His mom says that Renny was "exploiting" her son (Jessie). (NOTE: Umm...huh??)
"Still ahead, the live vote! Steven or Dan..who will be walking out of the Big Brother house tonight?"
Julie just talked to Jessie in the HOH room. Jessie said the HG's think he's immature because of his age.
It's time for the votes!!!
Dan is saying his speech..."I've had alot of fun and would love to continue. If I get voted out, I understand but I'd love to stay!"
"I made a choice (Brian) and I regret it! I learned some amazing things.." then he said "Suck it, bitches!" Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle votes to evict...Steven
Memphis votes to evict...Steven
Angie votes to evict...Steven
Jerry votes to evict...Steven
Libra votes to evict...Steven
(its offical, Steven is gone.)
April votes to evict...Steven
Ollie votes to evict...Steven
Renny votes to evict...Steven
Keesha votes to evict...Steven
Steven said goodbye to everyone & hugged them all. Keesha looks really sad but no tears. April is smiling.
Steven is talking to Julie right now...he said the game is harder than riding a bull. A part of him is very glad to be out of the house. He listened to the goodbye messages and tears rolled down his face when Keesha's was playing.
Jessie's goodbye message was TOTALLY all about Jessie..about working out and such. What a self-centered prick that kid is. Blahh!
Up next, the HOH COMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
They're showiung the Alien behind the mirror and the HG's reactions is HILARIOUS!!!! Now it's time for the HOH comp! BB took things from the house, the comp is called "alien abduction". lol
April is out...
Renny is out...
Angie is out...
Jerry is out...
Michelle is out...
Dan is out...
Memphis is out...
Ollie is out...
Libra is out...
I am SO HAPPY that Keesha won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week on the live feeds is gonna be gooooood! ;-)
Stay tuned...