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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Brother Live Eviction: (Chat is Open!)

Hey everyone!! The Chat Room is OPEN!!! :-D

It is rumored that tonight's comp will be an endurance comp and if you don't have the feeds, you will definitely want them!!! Especially because I can't post videos anymore, now is the perfect time to take advantage of the 2 week free trial if ya can! :-D

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And here we go!!!
We just got a recap of what happened on the last episode..
"Welcome to Big Brother 10, I'm Julie Chen. It's Day 24 inside the Big Brother house. Who will be going home: Jessie or Angie? Find out tonight!"

They're showing Keesha during the Veto Ceremony.
Angie said that her and Jessie are in an alliance together but she has to save herself obviously. Keesha told Jessie he has nothing to worry about and she's confident that the house will vote Angie out.

Michelle is crying over Jessie being on the block and the fact that she has to vote out 1 of the 2 people out of the house. She cries to Keesha.

They're now showing Angie/Memphis/Jessie/Michelle talking about Jerry being "out of his mind" for calling Memphis a "womanizer". Angie talks to Jerry and reminds him that the people he's sucking up to, might not be in power next week.

Jerry said "the numbers have the choice (on who to vote out), not me."

Now they're showing Jessie talking to Keesha up in the HOH room. Memphis comes in and says "Jerry just told Angie that she's not out of this game". (Which, Jerry did.)

Angie tells Michelle what Jerry said, Michelle tells Memphis & Jessie that she is PISSED, Michelle calls Jerry out and they have that huge fight. Michelle made it known to the house that he will "go with the numbers" every week and that he talks shit behind peoples backs.


They're showing the earthquake. Memphis (in a Diary Room session) made fun of Jerry saying he thought a truck ran into the house, when it was an earthquake).

Now they're showing Jessie waving "Bye Bye" and blowing a kiss to Jessie and Libra getting upset at it. Renny chimes in and says Jessie is disrespectful. Now Keesha is telling Jerry what happened, Jerry says that Jessie "needs to get outta here."

Libra, Ollie, April are walking in the backyard talking about how immature Jessie is because he walked by Jerry and called him "father time" and made a fart noise. They talk about getting him out and needing to talk to Keesha for the go-ahead.

Libra approaches Keesha with the thought of getting out Jessie instead of Angie. They say that he's strong and he does win challenges, and April whispers "get him out!"

Julie is talking to the houseguests live!! Julie asked Michelle what she thought about it. Julie now talks to Memphis about being called a "womanizer" by Jerry. Memphis said he blew up so quickly because he spent all of his life having alot of respect for women and treating them right. Jerry is now saying that he did apologize, and Memphis said he did forgive him but he won't forget.

Julie wishes Renny a Happy Birthday and reads her question from a fan:
"What was the best thing about spending your birthday inside the Big Brother house?" and Renny said "Spending it with all of these people, they even baked a cake for me."

Coming up, the live vote and the eviction!!!!


Keesha is in the HOH room talking to Julie Chen via TV. Keesha blames Angie for not sticking up for Steven at all. Keesha plans to keep "her word" to Libra to the end. She says she's more loyal to Renny..she's a true friend. She feels that her HG's underestimated her and now "they have to be a little more careful."

Angie's speech: she told everyone to vote for who is a threat to THEM, and that no ALLIANCE will win the $500,000..just 1 person and to think about that before casting their vote.

Jessie: he feels he's played the game good and honest, etc etc.


Memphis votes to evict...Angie
Michelle votes to evict...Angie
Jerry votes to evict...Angie
Renny votes to evict...Angie
Libra votes to evict...Angie
*It's Official, Angie is gone.*
April votes to evict...Angie
Ollie votes to evict...Angie
Dan votes to evict...Angie

Evicted from the BB House is:

Angie :-(

Okay, they're telling Angie..she took it very well and hugged everyone goodbye. Very classy exit. :)

Michelle is inside the house crying. She's gonna freaking kill in the endurance comp, you watch! lol The house was COMPLETE SILENCE!!! Not a whisper..very weird.

Angie is talking to Julie..she's crying a little bit. She said she's comfy with hanging out with the guys, not the girls, because she has most guy friends in life. That's just her. She just watched the Goodbye Speeches. Angie puts rumors to rest: her and Brian are just friends. (She's referring to her wearing Brian's hat all the time in the house..she only did it to annoy people. lol)

Julie Chen: "Find out who's America's Player is, and if they choose to accept the challenge or not!"


And we're back!!

America's Player is:


and he choose to accept!!! :-D

Time for the HOH comp...

and it's an ENDURANCE COMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D Get the live feeds!!!

They HG's have to stand on a ledge, as it moves back and forth, and it shakes too!! Now dust is being poured all over them (to simulate an earthquake).

This endurance comp looks goooooood!! :-D

First Assignment for Dan (America's Player): Who do you want Dan to try to get nominated for eviction this week?

Alright, the HG's are still holding on!! Jessie looks uncomfy as hell, though. lol

*End of Show*

Okay, to the live feeds I go!!! :-D

I'l post updates in a seperate post in about 10 mins!!

Stay tuned...