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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Big Brother 10 Houseguests Rumors!!

Oh boy. Where to start?!

Okay, so there is a rumored houseguest list floating around (this happens every season so I didn't report it right away because it's always been wrong lol) However, this supposed list of the houseguests just MIGHT be true!! Could it be???!

Here's the list (not confirmed yet!):
Jesse or Jessie, 22
Jerry, 75, is the self professed biggest Big Brother fan in the world. Everyone will love Jerry!
Keesha, 29, blond bombshell who works at Hooters. Reminds us of Danielle D.

And here is a pic of houseguest Keesha:

Apparently, friends of Keesha have been in touch with various BB sources/websites claiming that she did try out for a reality show and has been unreachable for a week now (and this is not normal behavior). Could it be that the BB crew has kidnapped her and threw her into sequester??

Well, on TUESDAY, JULY 8TH, all the houseguests will be revealed on The Early Show on CBS!!! Make sure to tune in! If you can't, don't worry, I'll be posting videos and all the details for ya! ;-)

That's it for now! But as always...

Stay tuned...